Friday, June 26, 2009

Ancient photo

It occurred to me that day spend eternity
in the face of the boys, keep the size
of their heads, their legs
in pants, old clothes
was what had
a look
they did not know
would how to illuminate the dark room
of the future.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Lovers

After the violin snatch the public
they began playing the fingers
one another
until the bottom of the hands
The woman said yes
with a left hand
and a right hand of him is imprisoned
maybe forever.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Van Gogh died the other day

Van Gogh died the other day
one shot
into Auvers, a shot
burst into the light
of winding wheat, one shot
in the Van Gogh's head
the wings of crows scaring the blue.

João Tomaz Parreira

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I showed my heart to the doctor: he said I just have to quit.”
(Leonard Cohen)

I showed my heart to the doctor, graphics
trampling the beats of the blood- the doctor said
that although the tests
no showed evidences
was the loneliness, he showed the danger
I have a greater love
than the age that I can reach Finally
showed me how it works
is the divine breath.


Abri o meu coração para o médico, gráficos
atropelando as batidas do sangue- o médico disse
que embora os exames
não mostrassem indícios
havia solidão, ele mostrou o perigo
de se ter um amor maior do que a idade
a que podemos chegar Por fim
mostrou-me como trabalha
ainda o sopro divino.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mickey Rourke, the wrestler

Angelic step in air
falls on the carpet
I was very good at it
cause problems to the sensitive Hollywood
I do it exceptionally well
was stupid say
acting is not work to hard-boiled male
so after much knock out
my memory have a long space.


Mickey Rourke, o lutador

Em passo angélico no ar
cair no tapete, era bom nisso

causar problemas à seriedade
de Holywood, fazia isso naturalmente

foi estúpido dizer
que representar não era trabalho

para um homem a sério
depois de tanta pancada

a minha memória tem muito


Thursday, February 12, 2009


In the temple he found men selling

cattle, sheep and tears

and flash of doves

those who exchanged forgiveness

the daily rate.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ezra's pretty tough, by Bukowski

A dureza de Ezra
Há uns milhares de ingleses licenciados em literatura
que pensam tomar o lugar de Ezra
ou cummings ou Eliot
quando a melhor coisa que lhes
é acabarem como caixas
nas Lojas Safeway
e a perguntar
(sob as directrizes da gerência)
«Como está o sr. hoje?»
e não obterem resposta
(Tradução: J.T.Parreira)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Truman Capote

One day the evil came to see him
when held a dry martini
evil exists in the background
of the beauty
one day
when the Times of New York brought to him
fresh blood of the Clutter.


Um dia a maldade veio ao seu encontro
quando segurava um dry martini
a maldade existe no fundo
da beleza
um dia
o Times de Nova Iorque trouxe-lhe
o sangue fresco dos Clutter.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Middle Age, a poem by Robert Lowell


Now the midwinter grind
is on me, New York
drills through my nerves,
as I walk
the chewed-up streets.

At forty-five,
what next, what next?
At every corner,
I meet my Father,
my age, still alive.

Father, forgive me
my injuries,
as I forgive
those I
have injured!

You never climbed
Mount Sion, yet left
death-steps on the crust,
where I must walk.


Agora o pleno inverno enruga
a minha pele, Nova Iorque
perfura os meus nervos,
quando percorro
as ruas desgastadas.

Aos quarenta e cinco,
que virá a seguir? e depois?
Em cada esquina,
encontro o meu Pai,
com vida e a minha idade.

Pai, perdoa
minhas feridas,
como eu perdoo
aqueles que

Tu nunca escalaste
o Monte Sião, mas deixaste
pagadas de morte sobre a crosta,
onde tenho de andar.

(Trad. J.T.Parreira)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Morning Sun, by Hopper
I touch up the sky
from a gentle mirror
within the stream.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kaddish for us

When they killed us
our ashes talked by ourselves
when they killed our children
we had more
when our women were naked
our eyes were closed forever
have towns where the wind
do not brought the birds
but ashes.
