Thursday, September 27, 2007


In all the words only had a language
Peter Bruegel the Elder, he painted
just built between the words and men
of armed arms
The confusion, that
Bruegel did not see
in its piramide unfinished
with a cloud blow
What it brought the water
to the eyes of the men?
Now the whole world had one language.
Thomas-John Parr

Monday, September 10, 2007


As Picasso did it, the eyes
bigger than the head, it extends
for the spectator
the primitive bodies
Les Demoiselles,
I saw it with my wife
in the summer of 1991,
New York in suspension
below of the heat’s humidity,
lively and intact in a recurring wave
of air, the soul
establishes itself
in the girls of the Calle d'Avignon.

Thomas-John Parr