Saturday, November 15, 2008

A river called sadness

Remember? We sat on a border, wetting

the feet in sadness

The troubled waters

shaking our reflexes

We are printed in water's silk inside? Let's reunite

on the hands of glass

the foam of our face.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sylvia Death

Quando meteu a cabeça no forno de gaz
como um leão caindo sobre a presa
todos os poemas estavam prontos
para a morte sobre a mesa
Ela fê-lo de novo, e de novo
toda a manhã escureceu
a sua pele brilhante e o cabelo
como um sol loiro.


When she put its head in the oven of gas
as a lion that falls on its prey
all poems were already
to die on the table
She did so again, and again
through the morning dark
the shiny skin and Sylvia's hair
as a sun blond.

October 15, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Charlie Parker

The ghost of Bebop
from 52nd Street,
left footprints in the snow.
A Cab passed, in the yellowish night,
a drunk volatile
with a goose-step, almost
gave a kick in the stars.
Slid under the door
of the Three Deuces the blues.
The street was a cold mirror
when it rains, now remember
a mantle of ermine
the lap of Lady Day.



Thursday, October 2, 2008


Fernando Pessoa died
in the Bairro Alto, he put glasses on the table
for ever, three days
before was still seen to bend
a corner downtown Lisbon
laughs loose, a cough
to bend the body forward.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Short Tale

A car door slamming in the night
John Ashbery

Your noise
reached the house

the house
filled of light
the windows

It was opened curtains

flew in the wind
when you left
your noise.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Folies Bergère 1968

Our breasts are on strike
Our legs
they do not fly far away
until the man's dream

Even our joy of the white of teeth

The feathers don't fly
in the transparency of the bodies

We, too, have a heart and wings

Our body only will light
the beauty of the soul.

(Thomas-John Parr)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Paris, Inverno 1994

Paris, Inverno 1994 /Paris, Winter 1994

Paris nessa noite tinha
a luz distribuída pelas gotas da chuva.

Sartre e Beauvoir não estavam lá.

No Café de Flore, três ou quatro
colheres de açúcar afogavam
o amargo do café. Beberam-no
primeiro os meus olhos como um ritual, os lábios
depois, na minha língua
mais tarde escreveria um poema previsível.

Outras vezes, Paris era um bocado
de ar azulado.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Odysseus enters into Ithaca

Odysseus who walked in circles
in the sea and arrested the body
and its ears
to the mast of the ship
not gave its ears to the sirens
holding the helm under the waves
and with a bag of winds
in the swollen sails
to enters into Ithaca
where Penelope waits
for one life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

On the Waterfront

In the last years I wanted to see
On The Waterfront
The audible Brando
with depressed eyes
wandering in the face
in its elegy about Mob
However really I wanted to hear
concerning the Joey
that was to be trainer of pigeons
but he fell of the roof.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Marilyn Monroe

You made your lips more real
with lipstick, your red
swallow a balcony
full of eyes.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sylvia and Ted

When you were with me
I never could die
My eyes wandered
without you, my fear had noises
all the steps, the shadows
were solid things
when I wrote the death
it scratched out sheets of paper
but when you were with me
I was for lasting the entire life
Your legs
supported my falls.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Picasso Conspiracy

With the infinite in a notebook
an eye
that arrives of the distance
Picasso cuts
the forms truly, bodies pulled out
from the volume
for all the beauty of the lines
its things with creaking of lungs breathe.

(Thomas-John Parr)