Angelic step in air
falls on the carpet
I was very good at it
cause problems to the sensitive Hollywood
I do it exceptionally well
was stupid say
acting is not work to hard-boiled male
so after much knock out
my memory have a long space.
falls on the carpet
I was very good at it
cause problems to the sensitive Hollywood
I do it exceptionally well
was stupid say
acting is not work to hard-boiled male
so after much knock out
my memory have a long space.
Mickey Rourke, o lutador
Em passo angélico no ar
cair no tapete, era bom nisso
causar problemas à seriedade
de Holywood, fazia isso naturalmente
foi estúpido dizer
que representar não era trabalho
para um homem a sério
depois de tanta pancada
a minha memória tem muito