Friday, July 27, 2007

Fall in JFK

We breathe in the windows
of the airplane
in the depth of clouds
We sail in the sky
but we need a nest
to make
We landing our eyes in the JFK
as birds
are bound for JFK
Birds fallen
of clouds frozen
inside the

Friday, July 13, 2007

Common Prayer

Our Father in heaven, Your
kingdom come, Your will
be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily
bread, forgive us our bread,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into evil,
and not be the evil.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Allen Ginsberg's Poem Kaddish 44

Kaddish 44

To Lindsay

Vachel, the stars are out
dusk has fallen on the Colorado road
a car crawls slowly across the plain
in the dim light the radio blares its jazz
the heartbroken salesman lights another cigarette
In another city 27 years ago
I see your shadow on the wall
you’re sitting in your suspenders on the bed
the shadow hand lifts up a Lysol bottle to your head
your shade falls over on the floor

[Paris, May 1958]

Para Lindsay

Vachel, as estrelas sairam de cena
o escuro caiu numa estrada do Colorado
um carro lento rasteja através da planície
o rádio ressoa jazz no crepúsculo
um vendedor desanimado acende outro cigarro
Há 27 anos noutra cidade
vejo a tua sombra no muro
estás sentado sobre teus suspensórios na cama
a mão da sombra ergue até à cabeça um frasco de Lysol
teu vulto decai sobre o soalho

*Vachel Lindsay, Poeta norte-americano, 1879-1931. Suicidou-se, bebendo Lysol
(Tradução: J.T.Parreira)